Pola Makan dan Rokok Dengan Kejadian Gastritis Pada Remaja
The Diet And Smoking To The Incidenee of Gastritis In Adolescent. Gastritis is an intlammation of the gastric mucosa can be acute, chronic and local. Diet and smoking are part of the factors that cause gastritis. In Lampung Gastritis in 2010 was ranked fifth by the number of patients at 7.05%. Research objectives were to determine the relationship of diet and smoking to the incidence of gastritis in adolescent health center in the working area of Beringin Kingdom Bandar Lampung in 2012.The study was cross-sectional. The population adolescents who attend high school in the health center in the working area Beringin Kingdom total 658 people. Samples 138 people. Univariate statistical analysis with the Chi Square test.
Statistical test results obtained in the category of unhealthy eating patterns 64 people (46.4%), in the high risk category of 50 people (36.2%) and 51 people (37%) had gastritis. Chi square test results obtained no association with the incidenee of gastritis diet in adolescents (p value> α, 0039> 0.05). There is a relationship with the incidenee of cigarette gastritis (p value
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