Hubungan Konsumsi Alkohol Dengan Fungsi Hati
Relationship Alcohol Consumption with Heart Function Liver cell damage leads to increased levels of SGOT and SGPT enzymes. The enzyme AST into more specific indication of the measurement of the hepatic enzyme alanine aminotransferase. This is because the enzyme alanine aminotransferase more released by the liver in case of organ damage. While the enzyme AST is released by many of the injured organ, such as hearth, muscIe, kidney and brain. Alcoholic fatty liver is a reversible condition that may progress to alcoholic hepatitis and eventually cirrhosis and liver failure. This was a cross sectional analytic design. The population in this study were people who lived in the Village of Long Way Laga Bandar Lampung District of >17- year-old with asample of 60 people. The results showed that respondents who consume alcohol as many as 37 people (61.7%) and impaired liver functions in 13 (14.64%). Respondents who consumed alcohol more than 250 mI/day as many as 15 people (40.54%) and impaired liver function as much as 9 (60%), respondents who consumed alcoholless 250 mI/day as many as 22 people and impaired liver function as much as 3 (13.64). Respondents consuming alcohol more than 5 years were 24 people (64.88%) and those with impaired liver functions as many as II people (78.57%), less than 5 years were 13 people (35.14%) and those with impaired liver functions as much as 2 (8.70%). The results of calculation of Chi Square with 0.05 confidence level, that there is a relationship between consumption volume and duration of consumtion with liver function.
Keywords : alcohol, impaired liver function
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