Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Dengan Nafas Dalam Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Dengan Tindakan Endoscopy
The Effect Health Education With Deep Breathing To Reduce UnpleasantPsychological Response In Patient With Invasive Endoscopy. Acute or chronic disease would encourage a person or family to bring family members to hospital in an effort to seek help for treatment and medical examination. One investigation of medical diagnosis is invasive endoscopy. This action can cause anxiety and fear in patients, and this is unclear diagnoses, tools of fear, lack of knowledge about what to do, and experience less enjoyable. So that increased knowledge about invasive endoscopy by providing information before signing a letter of agreement may reduce the unpleasant psychological response.The study design used was a Quasi experimental research design using the "One group pretest-posttest design" which is a type of research to reveal causai relations by involving a group of subjects.
Results obtained using independent t-test, no intluence of health education and breath in the level of anxiety (p value = 0.049), based on the mean breath in more meaningful in red ucing anxiety than health education to the level of patient anxiety measures endoscopy performed in the endoscopy Hospital Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province (health education variables mean = 22.93, mean respiratory variables in = 18.60).
Key Words: health education, breath in, the anxiety level
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