Kehilangan Penglihatan Pascabedah Laminektomi Dalam Posisi Prone (Visual Loss After Prone Lumbar Spine Surgery)
Visual loss after nonocular surgery is a rare but devastating postoperative complication. Sudden unilateral or bilateral visual loss occurring after general anesthesia has been reported and attributed to various causes including haemorrhagic shock, hypotension, hypoth erm ia, coagulopathic disorders, direct trauma, embolism, and prolonged compression of the eyes.
Case: a man, 60 years-old with diagnosis radiculopathy in level L4 e.c. protunded disc L4-5 and L5-S1 who required laminectomy in general anesthesia. An unusual complication of visual loss with total opthalmoplegy was caused by central retina artery occlusion, acute ischemic orbital compartement syndrome, and pseudotumor type myositis.
Keywords: visual loss, pseudotumor, laminectomy, prone position, general anesthesia.
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