Food Allergen in Atopic Dermatitis Patients : a Preliminary Report (Alergi Makanan pada Penderita Dermatitis Atopik : Laporan Pendahuluan)
Food allergy (FA) is acknowledged as one of the factors that can precipitate the exacerbation of skin lesions among atopic dermatitis (AD) patients. It is also noted that the cause of the food allergy were different in every part of the world, and depends on the type of food that has been consumed. A clinical study was conducted in the Department of Dermato-Venereology Medical Faculty Padjadjaran University Bandung; seventeen patients with atopic dermatitis were included in the research. Fifteen (21.4 percent) among them had a history of exacerbation caused by food i.e, chocolate, shrimp, egg and milk. Prick test with food allergens were positive in 12 patients (80 percent) to chocolate, 4 (26.6 percent) to peanut, 3 (20 percent) to egg, 3 (20 percent) to milk, and 10 (66.7 percent) to shrimp. The specific IgE in the sera of patients were positive in 1 (6.6 percent) to chocolate, milk and peanut and 3 (20 percent) to shrimp. The preliminary conclusions showed that the diagnosis of the food allergy can be based on the clear history. It seemed that there was no corelation between results of the skin test and specific IgE to food allergen.
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