Karakteristik Vascular Endothelia I Growth Factor, Glukosa, Lactate Dehydrogenase dan Protein pada Efusi Pleura Non Maligna dan Efusi Pleura Maligna (Characteristics Vascular Endhothelial Growth Factor, Glucose, Lactate Dehidro-genase and Protein Level in Non Malignant and Malignant
Introduction: Diagnosing the etiology of pleural effusion is sometimes a challenging medical problem, and there is an urgent need to identify new fluid markers to differentiate malignant from non malignant pieuraI effusion. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of VEGF, glucose, LOH, and protein level in diagnosing of pIeurai effusion.
Methods: Design ofthis study was observational analytic cross sectional. Undiagnosed unila teral pIeuraI effusion were unrolled and divided into two groups: non malignant and malignant effusions based on cytologyanalysis. VEGF, glucose, LOH, protein level were measured in pleuralfluid. VEGFwere measured using ELISA.
Results: Of 32 subjects, the median level of VEGF in malignant (3.3818) higher than that in non malignant (2.5844) (p=0.007). No significant differences were observed between VEGF in malignant effusions due to lung cancer and from extra-thoracic cancer (p=0.079). Among all variables evaluated, logistic regression found that only VEGFwas significantly correlated with the prescence of malignantdisease (p=0.043).
Conclusions: Level of VEGF in malignant pIeuraI effusion higher than in non malignant pIeurai effusion.
Keywords: pIeurai effusion, VEGF, glucose, LDH, protein.
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