Hubungan Pemeriksaan Faal Paru dan Keluhan Respiratorik pada Jemaah Haji Kota Padang Tahun 2008 (Correlation between Pulmonary Function Test and Respiratory Symptoms in Hajj Pilgrim at Padang, 2008)
Background: Lung is vital organ related to air environment outside body. Generally, hajj pilgrim has frequent respiratory problem when they stay during hajj session. The aim of the study is to know the relation between pulmonary function test and common respiratory sign.
Methods: Analytic prospective study were done. The population in this study were hajj pilgrims registered in Padang in 2008 and declared "suitable" for hajj by the local health authority. Subjects were ask to complete the questionnaire related to respiratory sign dur ing the hajj period and were collected after the completion of the hajj at home. Lung function data were also recorded.
Results: Among 140 hajj pilgrim, 122 subjects completed questionnaire. 57.4% are men. Most/y 50-59 years old (46.2%). 53.3% has normallung tunctionbesed on spirometry. The common respiratory symptoms were cough (72. 1 %) with duration between 15-30 days (42.1%).
Conclusion: Almost 53.3% pilgrim hajj has normallung function and 72.1% with cough as common respiratory symptoms.
Keywords: Hajj pilgrim, lung function.
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