Identifikasi Mutasi Noktah Pada” Gen Voltage Gated Sodium Channel” Aedes aegypti Resisten terhadap Insektisida Pyrethroid di Semarang Jawa Tengah (Identification of a Point Mutation in “The Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Gene” of Aedes aegypti from Semarang Municypality Central Java Associated with Resistance to Pyrethroid Insecticides)
The identification of a point mutation in voltage-gated sodium channel gene was conducted on the major of dengue vector Aedes aegypti from Simongan Village, Semarang Municypality Central Java, which occurred to be resistant toward malathion and cypermethrin base on WHO methodology standard (impregnated paper). The objectives of this studi was to identify the point mutation on the codon 1014 of voltage gated sodium channel gene of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes which was associated with the vector resistance of pyrethroid group. The detection of a point mutation of voltage-gated sodium channel was conducted using DNA extraction and semi nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the mosquitoes resistant strain. The susceptibility test (as a screening resistant phenotype) showed that few samples of Ae. aegypti from Simongan Village, Semarang Municypality Central Java resistant to malathion 0,8 % ( organophosphate group ) and cypermethrin 0,25 % (pyrethroid group). The sequencing result showed that there has been a mutation from the leucine (TTA) which turned to be phenylalanin (TTT) (kdr-w type) on the codon 1014 at the voltage gated sodium channel gene of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes from Simongan Village, Semarang Municypality Central Java, which was associated with the pyrethroid insecticide resistance. There were 78 % mosquitoes which brought mutation alel kdr-w type on the codon 1014 F. Therefore dengue vector control activities should not use any pyrethroid insecticide group.
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