Sensitivitas dan Spesifitas Antibodi Monoklonal DSSE10 pada Head Squash Toxorhynchites Splendens dengan Teknik Imunohistokimia Peroksidase
Dengue virus are transmitted from human by the bites of infective female aedes Mosquitoes from subgenus stegomyia. One of the way to detec Dengue virus antigen is by using immunohistochemical technique. This method wasreported to detec dengue viru antigen in low levels. The aims of this study is to measure sensitivity and specifity of monoclonal antibody DSSE10 using SBPC to detect antigen Dengue virus in head squash toxorhynchites splendens were infected with dengue patient serum and RT-PCR as gold standart. Artificially-infected Tx. Splendens mosquitoes with serum positif dengue virus were used as infectious samples and non-infected Tx. Splendes mosquitoes were used as control negative. the immunohistochemichal SBPC assay using monoclonal antibody DSSE10 then applied in mosquitoes head squash to detec Dengue virus antigen. RT-PCR as agold standart was applied in each mosquito thorax. the reseult were analyzed by descriptive stasistic test and 2x2 diagnostic test table. Monoclonal antibody DSSE 10 using immunohistochemical SBPC assay in head squash Tx. Splendens was gave sensitivity 87,09% and specificity 92,5%. Conclussion of this study is DSSE10 Monoclonal antibodies can be used as primary antibodies for the detection of dengue virus antigen in mosquito head squash
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