Hubungan antara asupan kapsul iodium dan kejadian autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD)
Iodine is the main component in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. therefore, edequate iodine consumption is important for thyroid hormone production. iodine interference with TSH system can be as the limiting factor for thyroid hormones production. magelang district know as IDD area had program to supply intake iodine from iodine capsule and iodinated salt. In endemic iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) area, intake iodine was taken from iodine capsule and iodinated salt. iodine stored at thyroglobulin. post-translational modification of thyroglobulin by iodine has immunological consequences such that increased autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). tiroglobulin and thyroideroxidase antibodies are the main factor of production of AITD. A study was to asses the description between iodine intake and tiroglobulin and thyroidperoxidase antibodies caused AITD. the study was conducted at maagelang district and the respondents are childbearing age woman. samples were collected to measured TPO antibody and thyroglobulin antibody. magelang district is one of the IDD areas received capsule iodine distributed to prevent new IDD cases. most all of respondent consumed iodine capsule 1-2 capsule/year. the result showed that all respondent have TPO and thyroglobulin antibodies. 23% respondent has positive thyroglobulin and 47% positive TPO antibody. staistical analysis showed that iodine capsule intake is one of predesposition factor of AITD. the results showed that intake of high concentration iodine capsule had immunological consequences. over dose of iodine can increased incident of AITD. thyroglobulin and TPO antibodies that found in all respondents with consume high concentration iodine capsule.
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