Korelasi antara asupan sumber iodium dengan status iodium pada wanita usia subur
iodine intake is important for thyroid function. marginal iodine intake can cause goiter, characterized by an enlarged thyroid gland. in addition to effecting thyroid hormones and tiroglobulin in the blood. iodine status is determined by various factors, among others, the consumption of food containing iodine between food sources iodine of iodine status. this cross sectional study included 70 randomly selected subjects with mild-to-severe iodine deficiency; the subjects lived in magelang and temanggung. iodine intake was estimated by using a recall questionnaire and by measuring iodine excretion in spot urine samples. there was significant correlation between fish consumption and log of iodine content in salt with log urinary iodine excretion. there was a significant correlation between protein intake with serum TSH. there was a significant correlation between fish consumption, consumption of iodine capsules and urinary iodine excretion with log serum tiroglobulin. need to be increased intake of natural sources of iodine to preventiodine deficiency disorder. iodized salt is one effort to meet local needs iodine, specially in areas of endemic iodine deficiency disorder.
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