Status gizi ibu menyusui dan kadar iodium dalam air susu ibu di daerah dengan nilai eksresi iodium urin tinggi
results of a survey conducted in 2003 found 35% of women had urinary iodine exrection is more than 300 mg/L that can harm our health arisk. nutritional status breastfeeding mothers may effect the value of iodine levels in ation due to maternal nutritional status of underweight or malnutritionan can lead to impaired milk production, more rapid exit and urine iodine levels in urine is reduced. to know the nutritional status of lactating mothers correlation with levels of iodine in breast milk (ASI) in areas with high urinary iodine excrection values. the study was conducted in the district of demak, central district of coraln as areas theat have high urinary iodine excrection values. cross sectional researh design. this type of research is applied research. amples: breastfeeding mothers aged 17-45 years. large samples were calculated based on the sample to the relationship between to variables with onesided test of significance (al) = 0.05, r = 0.2 and power = 80. random sampling (sample random sampling) during lactation according to inclusion criteria. univariabel analysis includes data analysis, correlation analysis. most of the father's occupation as a farmer 20.0%. this type of work more than 30% of mothers did not work, father and mother education level is the most widely dad graduated from elementary school to 27.6% for women 29.4%. nutritional status of breastfeeding mothes by BMI is normal nutritional value as much as 73.03%. nutritional status based on the value of upper arm circumference (lilac) is normal as many as 73.33%. iodine levels in mother's milk (ASI) was also hight at 97% above normal 0r > 300 mg / l. the correlation between the type of work with the levels of iodine in ation coefficient has a value of 0.458 and p value
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