Pengaruh Latihan Relaksasi terhadap Tekanan Darah Ibu Hamil dengan Preeklamsia Ringan
preeclampsia / eclampsia is the second cause of maternal deaths in indonesia to date. psychological adaptation failure can cause stress thereby increasing the pressure darah. the study aimed to identify effect of relaxation ezercise to reductions blood pressure in pregnant women with preeclamsia. this type of research praeksperimen with pretest-posttest design with times series design. research location in the hospital, private midwives practice, and pos praktik. the population in this study were all pregnant women with mild preeclampsia and received antenatal care at the study site, with a total sampling technique. the data collected by blood pressure (BP) 141,17 mmHg and diastolic BP 91,72 mmHg. found effect of relaxation exercise to decrease systolic and diastolic BP 79,83 mmHg. found effect relaxation exercises can reduction blood pressure (p 0.00). conclusion in relaxation exercise can reduction blood pressure pregnant women with mild preeclampsia. suggestions: relaxation training needs to be applied on every pregnant woman with mild preeclampsia.
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