karakteristik yogurt dengan menggunakan starter lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34
Yoghurt alaways used non local but have weaakness so that need research with use the local strain (Lactobacillus rhamnous us SKG 34). The objective research with use the local strain (Lacotobacillus rhamnosus SKG34). The objectives of this research were to determine chemical, microbiologycal changes, and organoleptic of the product following fermentation by this bacterium. The total LAB increased from 2.5 x 10 to 7.6 x 10 cfu/ml after 4 days storage, but decreased to 3.1x10 cfu/ml when stroage was prolonged to 8 days stroge, but decreased to 3.1x10 cfu/ml when strorage was prolonged to 8 days. The growth of LAB in the milk resulted in pH reduction by 0.29 pH (from 4.32 to 4.3) within 8 days stroage. However, the concentration of the dissolved protein increased from 0.046%to 0.084% after the same period of strorage. In the organoleptic tests, this yoghurt was still acceptable by penelists, althouh it had been stored for 8 days at 10⁰C.
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