Hubungan Faktor Perbedaan Individual Dan Ketersediaan ' Garam Di Warung Dengan Perilaku Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Penggunaan Garam Beriodium Di Kabupaten Purworejo
IDD would be serious health problem. Behavior in salt iodization was influenced by individual dijJerence and environments. Th is study will examine relationship between individual dijJerence and availability ofiodized salt in the shop with salt iodization behavior in Purworejo. Regency. Observational research with cross sectional. This research in Ngombol Village, Purworejo Regency. Research was done in Mei-November 2010. Samples were 113 household. The instrument to collect data was questionnare regarding availability of iodized salt in the shop and individual dijJerence factors. Behavior in salt iodization had significant relationship with Mother s knowledge level (X2 = 9,834, p = 0,002), but had no significant relationship with Mother s attitude (X2 = 3,681, p = 0,055), no significant with habit (t = 0,459 , P = 0,498), no significant with availability of salt (X2 = 1,985, p =0,159)
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