Pola Penyakit Penyebab Kematian Bayi di Pedesaan dan Perkotaan, Kondisi Sosio Ekonomi pada Kejadian Kematian Bayi di Indonesia Hasil Riskesdas 2007
Background: Infant health was an important health indicator because of its relationship with various factors, maternal health, the quality of access to health services, socioeconomic conditions and public health services. Many factors influenced the Infant Mortality Rate but it is difficult to determine dominant factors and less dominant factors. The availability of various facilities or access and health services from skilled health workers, and also changing of public mind set from traditional to modern norms in health services are factors that influence the Infant Mortality Rate. This study aimed to asses the pattern infant death cause at urban and rural, socioeconomic conditions and its relations to infant death. Methods: The study design is descriptive. Data were taken from Riskesdas 2007, conducted in all provinces 33 Provinces in Indonesia. The Unit of analysis was infant death (0-11 month) in household, during 1 July 2006-February 2008. Results: Results showed that infant mortality the majority patterns of infant death cause in Urban were is Low Birth Weight; followed by digestive infection,Asphyxia/aspiration and meningitis. Meanwhile pattern of Infant death cause in rural the majority were digestive infection, Pneumonia, Asphyxia/aspiration and Low Birth Weight. There was differences in access to health services between urban and rural areas. In rural areas access to health services was more difficult compared to urban. Infant deaths were more common in rural. Suggests to enhance access to health services especially in rural areas such as by enhance Desa SiagaStrategy to shorthen the health services to community like Poskesdes, enhance pre hospital care of obstetric and neonatal emergency at Polindes and puskesmas, socialization of ASI exclusive program, socialization of "PHBS" program.
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