Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman Ibu Rumah Tangga Atas Nyamuk Demam Berdarah Dengue
The Knowledge and Experience of Dengue Mosquitoes among Housewives. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Prevention program in Semarang were Focaused through controling mosquito breesing sites (PSN), but the implementation of PSN was not become a habit in every household. The objective of this study was to explore knowledge and expereince of dengue mosquitoes among housewives in the endemic villages. The research was using qualitative methods. Subjects of the were 17 housewives which selected by purposive sampling. The data collection was curried in Sendangmulyo village, Semarang, through observation, focus groups discussions, and indepth interviews. The techinques used to test data validity were triangulation and member checking method. Data were analyzed using content analysis approached. The results showed that housewives classifying mosquito based on time occurrence whether the presence of mosquiti in encironment was perceived naturally. Unoptimalized PSN behavior was based on the lack of housewives knowledge on larvae development stages. Mosquito was not considered as a theatening because night mosquito biting was directly more disturbing rather than day mosquitoes. Health promotion program could increase dasa wisma cadres knowledge and skill, particularly on mosquito life cycle and the correct stages of PSN behavior. This study did not distinguish the demographic characteristics of informants. Further research could explore it or develop media based on local knowledge and experience
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