Crainial Unifocal Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in a Female Child: a Difficult Case With S-100 and CD 1a Immunonegativity
A 13 years old female child was carried to Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakartaby her mother with chief complant of a mass on the forehead. Since eight months perior to her visiting, she had a massa on her forehead which became larger slowly without tendermess and had no fever. Clinical examination revealed a well circumscribed massa, 3 cm in diameter, fixed, with rubbery consistency. The skuil X ray revealed a punch out lesion frontal bone. The head CT scannig revealed a destruction of frontal bone, Clinical diagnosis of dermoid cyst was deterined, exision and curettage was performed. Gross examination showed 2.5 cc fragnented tissue, brownish yellow, with rubbery consistency. A diagnosis of benign histocytosis (Langerhans cell histiocytosis) of frontal bone was determined based on morphological and immunohistotochemical examination. The aim of this presentel article was to report a rate case of cranial unifocal Langerhans cell histiocytosis in a female child with S-100 and CD 1a immunonegativity, and to discuss how to determine its diagnosis based on literature review
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