Quality of Life Epilepsy in Childhood Comparison Between Well-Controlled Epilepsy and non Epilepsy
Quality of life is an important parameter in assessing the efficacy of medical inerventions. Chronic diseases such as epilepsy, have a signifcantimpact on quality of life. Childhood epilepsy is often associated with low achievement in school, physical limitations, and distubed social function. The purpose of this study was compare the quality of life of well-controlled epileptic children with non epileptic children. This research was conducted with cross sectional study design with respondents aged 5-18 years old. Ali respondents were well-controlled epileptic and non epileptic children who were admitted to the Pediatric polyclinic of Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. Yogyakarta, Indonesia in the period of March until June 2010. Management of quality of life was conducted by filling out the questionnaire Pediatricts Quality of Life (LedsOL) that directly obtained from the children who were accompained by their parant.Lower controlled epileptic children (38.3 ± 1.6) was higher than non epileptic children (8.84±0.90). Prevalence ratioof controlled epileptic children was 2.69 (95% CI:2.01-3.58). in conclusion, well controlled epileptic children had lower quality of life than non epileptic children. The factors that affect quality of life of well-controlled epileptic children were duration of suffering from epilepsy and age at diagnosis of epileptisy.
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