Pengembangan Permainan Multimedia Interaktif tentang Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Poor environmental conditions as well as clean and healthy behaviours have not been suspected to be the cause of the high infectious diseases. Various promotional efforts have been launched clean and healthy behaviours by government to improve clean and healthy living behaviours of the Society. This study aims to develop communication techniques of Information Education and Communication such as interactive multimedia games for elementary school students to improve their knowledge about the clean and healthy behaviours and infectious diseases. The material is made of animation that shows a daily story about a boy called the Bohat (the healthy kid). The study was conducted in 2009 in Malang and Jogyakarta. The samples were Elementary student of 2nd grade of 303 students. The Design research was an experimental research design with the edu¬games multimedia treatments. The result showed that edu-game is favored of the children. The content and picture colour of edu-games is the most favorable for the children. There are significant differences between the average value of knowledge clean and healthy behaviours and infectious diseases before and after treatment. This suggests showed that the edu-game is quite effectively to be used as media playing and learning on the clean and healthy behaviours and infectious diseases for elementary students.
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