Preferensi Peminum Alkohol di Indonesia Menurut Riskesdas 2007
The problem of alcohol drinking has become public issues in some parts of Indonesia. The National Household Health Survey (NHHS) 1995 and 2001 only showed low prevalence at national level. In 2007, NHHS with a new name 'Riskesdas ' had enough sample size to elaborate health indicators even up to district levels. Riskesdas 2007 used the sample of National Socio Economic Survey (NSES) 2007. The interviewers of Riskesdas 2007 had revisited and reinterviewed 258,284 (93.0 %) out of 277,630 households with 986,532 (85.9 %) out of 1,148,418 household members of NSES 2007. Database consisted of 664,190 individual records aged 15 years and above, of which 660,349 (99.4 %) answered the questions about alcohol drinking. Individual weight and complex samples approach procedures were applied in the analysis. The objective of the study was to reveal preferences of alcohol drinkers by provinces and domiciles. The prevalence of alcohol drinking in the past month were 4.9 % in males and 0.3 % in females; while among males, 4.5 % in urban and 5.2 % in rural areas. There were 13 out of 33 provinces, all out side Jawa island, with high prevalence in males. The prevalence ranged in urban areas from 13.4 % in South East Sulawesi to 31.5 % in North Sulawesi, while in rural areas from 11.1 % in South Sulawesi to 32.9 % in North Sulawesi. The types of beverages consumed by males in urban areas were beer 33.6 %, liquor 14.4 %, wine 27.1 % and traditional alcohol 25.0 % ; while in rural areas were beer 18.6 %, liquor 6.6 %, wine 19.4 % and traditional alcohol 55.4 %. The proportions of traditional alcohol predominantly consumed in provinces with high prevalence varied in urban areas from 42.8 % in North Sulawesi to 66.2 % in North Sumatera; while in rural areas from 41.2 % in Papua to 90.7% in West Kalimantan. The findings confirmed the presence of provincial clusters and preferences of alcohol drinkers.
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