Konsumsi dan Besaran Defisit Energi dan Protein Anak Baduta di Perdesaan dan Perkotaan di Indonesia
RISKESDAS 2010 collected individual food consumption among all family members of sample households. The objectives of analysis were to study energy and protein intakes as well as the deficits among children under two years in rural and urban areas.
Method: Energy and protein consumption data of 3278 children under two years old were used in the analysis. Food consumption data were collected using 24 hours food recall in RISKESDAS 2010.
Results: Average energy and protein intakes in rural areas was significantly lower as compared to urban areas, that were (103 ± 31) % and (108 ± 31) % RDA of energy (p=0.000) and (103 ± 39) % dan (114 ± 39) % RDA of protein (p=0.000). The proportion of energy deficits among 6-11 months old baby was 41.7% and 35.8% in rural and in urban areas while among 12-23 months old children was 58.9% and 48.2%. The proportion ofprotein deficits among 6-11 months was 60% and 47%, among 12-23 months old group was 50% and 38.2% in rural and urban areas. Average energy deficits among 6-11 months old baby in rural and urban areas was (106 ± 62) kcal and (107 ± 70) kcal, while in 12-23 months old groups was (220 ± 134) kcal and (199 ± 130) kcal consecutively. Average protein deficits among 6-11 months old baby was (4.2 ± 2.2) g and (3.9 ± 2.2) g while in 12-23 months old groups was (6.4 ± 3.4) g and (5.6 ± 3.6) g. Conclusion: Average energy and protein intakes among under two years old children was significantly lower in rural as compared to urban areas. Average deficits among under two years old children were range from (16-25)% RDA of energy and 25% RDA of protein.
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