Faktor Penyebab Kejadian Tuberculosis serta Hubungannya Dengan Lingkungan Tempat Tinggal di Provinsi Jaw A Tengah (Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas 2007)
Tuberculosis cases in Indonesia is about 583.000 cases every year, and 140.000 were found dead. Many factors and some problems are due to people lives in the massive and slum area, where the air circulation are vavorable to contaminated with the bacteria tuberculosis. The objective of the study is to find out the factors in relation, with tuberculosis cases and the living environment in Central Java province based on Riskesdas 2007 data. The sample from Crossectional Study design were collected based on quota, consider the proportion of suspected Tuberculosis cases in the age group of more than 15 years old. The results show that 21,8% of the productive worker age groups suffered from tuberculosis diseases. Most of the Tuberculosis cases were found from the people who live in the massive population and overcrowding 75%, compare with the people who live in non massive population 25%. Host and environmental factor with living crowded is more chance to be infected by bacteria tuberculosis compare with non crowded population.
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