Faktor Informasi ASI dan Mp-Asi Kaitannya dengan Praktik Pemberian ASI-Eksklusif di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (Studi di Kota Kupang dan Kabupaten Kupang)
Although the importance of breastfeeding has been well known world wide, the number of exclusively breastfeeding is still small in most of countries including Indonesia. Therefore, this research objective is to identify the relationship exclusive breastfeeding practicing profile and having breast milk and weaning food promotion in Nusa Tenggara Timur This study design is cross sectional. Samples (n=638) of this study was mothers who had baby, aged 6-12 months. Samples were chosen by simple randomisasion. Variables that were collected were samples' identity (name, address, age), promotion factors for breast milk and weaning food information, and other supporting factors. Chi Square test was used to compare categorical variables which were respondents characteristic and exclusive or nonexclusive breast feeding. The result of this study it is found a significant relationship between living place and breast feeding practicing. A significant relationship is also found between non medical birth attendant, and breastfed initiation c: 3 hours after delivering) and breastfeeding practicing. However, age, education, job, place for getting breast milk and weaning food information, interpersonal contact and media type for breast milk and weaning food information are not related significantly to breast feeding practicing.
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