Perbedaan Terjadinya Karang Gigi pada Masyarakat Pengkonsumsi Air Sumur dengan Bukan Air Sumur
Calculus is a factor constant iritation to the gingiva that can cause inflamation of the gingiva. If not removed t will continue to buffer tissue damage teeth and cause tooth to be rocking and the date. Kelan village residents consume most of the well water with high calculus content of 132.08 mg/liter of water. The purpose of this research is to know the difference occurs calculus on people who consume water sourced from wells that are not from wels in Kelan village Bandung 2010 Populast this study all the people who is living a minimumof seven months in Kelan Village. Large Sample study of 66 people, 33 respondents respectively. This study uses primary date, date collected by interview and direct examination. Statistical analysis univariate and bivariate test T-test two different samples. The result of quantitative analysis of T-test two different samples showed t count with equal variance not assumed at 5.907 and the probality of 0.000. Therefore the probabilyti of < 0.005> Then Hos is rejected or the second average score calculus on consuming water sourced from wells with wells thaqt are not really significantly different. Large differences lie between 0.52137-1.0543. The conclusions of this study was there a significant difference accured calculus on people who consumer water with non-water wells, it is suggested that more attention to cleaning test and mouth, by way of brushing teeth and mouth, by way of brushing teeth immediately after eating at least twice a day, the morning after eating and at night before bed, diligent teeth checked and scalling in to dental health service at least six months
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