Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Jumantik dalam Memantau Jentik Aedes Aegypti di Kecamatan Denpasar Tahun 2009
Dengue Haemorrhage Fever (DHF) is an endemic disease on Denpasar city which is the higehest case in Bali. In to the prevention Programof DHF disease at Denpasar, as was formed Surveyor of mosquitos larvae since 2006 due to increase Free Number Larvae and to decrease the indidence of DHF. But, during three years ago, the number target and the incidence of DHF was still high. That fact shown that the performance of the Surveyor of mosquito larvae was not optimal. Far those reasons, this rsearch was to know the performance level of the Surveyor of mostoquito larvae (The ttotal sample) South Denpasar. District responsible and the factor which influence, includig: individual factor, psychological factors, and oranization factor. The data was collected administrtive and factor which influence the perfornance was analyzed by multiple regression linter. The result of the research shown that there was no Surveyor of mosquito larvae that had the performance level that belong to very good level, a half of them belong to good level, and others belong to poor level. The performance level is good level 53,8% moderate 28.8%, and poor 17,3% The performance level is good level 53,8% moderate 28, 8%, and poor 17,3%. The performance was influence by individual, psychological, and organization factors. From the three factors, psychological factor was the biggest influence that effect the performance of Surveyor of mosquito larvae in which the result was R2=0,978. To increase the cuccessful of the prevention and the destruction program of DHF in Denpasar, the three factor including individual, psychologist, and organization was increased trought training and evaluation.
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