Hubungan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah dengan Kejadian Sindrom Distress Respirasi pada Bayi di RSUD. Prof. Margono Soekarjo
On 2003, neonatal mortality rate was 25 per miles in Indonesia, with 50 percents
are caused by low birth weight infant (LBWI).A complication of LBWI is respiratory
distress syndrome (RDS). 36% cases ofLBWI were between 1.001 and 1.250 grams and
22% were between 1.251 and 1.500 grams. The purpose of this research was to determine
correlation between LBWI and infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) in Prof.
Margono Soekarjo hospital. This is a cross sectional study. This research subject is LBW case in Prof. Margono Soekarjo hospital from August 1st 2008 until January 25
th 2010. Sampling method used was total sampling. Chi-square test was performed as statistical analysis. The result showed that there were no correlation between LBWI
and IRDS in Prof. Margono Soekarjo hospita
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