Hubungan Kadar Ureum dengan Anemia dan Kelainan Bentuk Eritrosit pada Penderita Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Kronik
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition that causes decrease of renal function. It’S MERKED BY UREMIA AS ONE OF THE SYMPTOMS. The increase of urea blood level can lead to anemia and abnormal morphology of erythrocyte. The objective of this study is to find the correlation between the level of blood urea with hemoglobin level and abnormal erythrocyte morphology at CKD’s patients. This is a crosssectional study with consecutive sampling method. There were 60 respondents hospitalized as Margono Soekarjo Hospital fulfilled the sample criteria, those were adult CKD’s patients before hemodyalisis therapy with urea blood levels above normal level, and included n the period of study. Results showed significant correlation between the level of blood urea with hemoglobin level 9r=-0.324, p=0.011) and abnormal erythrocyte morphology (crenated cell (r=0.499, p=0.000) and fragmented cell.schistocyte (r=0.659, p=0.000).
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