Vitamin A and Immunity : 3. Oral Administration of Vitamin A to Increases the Blood Antibody Titers in Rats Immunized with Sheep Red Blood Cells (Vitamin A dan Imunitas: 3. Peningkatan Titer Antibodi Tikus Anti Sel Darah Merah Domba oleh Pemberian Vitamin A Secara Oral)
We have reported previously that injection of vitamin A could increases the blood antibody titers in rats immunized with sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Moreover, the titres remained at a high level during the period 8 weeks of observation. In the following study, we have observed the effect of oral administration of vitamin A on antibody formation in rats immunized with SRBC. A number of male Wistar rats were divided randomly into 4 groups of 6 animals. The first group received only a standard diet, served as a control group. The second group received an immunization against SRBC, while the third group received, besides the immunization, acertain amount of vegetable oil, which was the medium used as vitamin A solvent. The fourth groups received, besides the immunization, a dose of vitamin A. The vegetable oil and the vitamin A were given orally, one hour after the immunization. The SRBC were administered by intraperitoneal injection. Blood from each rats were collected from the tail weekly, for a period of 12 weeks successively. The titers of hemaglutinin anti SRBC were assesed based on hemaglutination reaction. The highest titres were in the fourth group during the periode of 12 weeks. The results suggested that vitamin A given orally could enhance antibody production in normal rats.
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