Insiden Persalian di Rumah Sakit Umum Zainole Abidin (RSUZA)-Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala Priode January 2008-Oktober 2010
Objective: to determine a distribution’s type, indication of section casarean and referral case in delivery room General Hospital Zainoel Abidin (RSUZA)-Faculty ofMedicine Syiah Kuala University (FK USK) period of January 2008-October 2010. Research Design: This was a descriptive analytic study that was conducted at delivery roomRSUZA-FK USK January 2008-October 2010. Data was taken based on the record in the delivery room. There were 3151 cases. Results: in this period we found vaginal birth 1954 cases and section cesarean (SC) 1197 cases, from delivery”s type 1660 cases (84,96%) were born spontaneously, and 95 (4.86%) breast cases, 117(5.99%) with vacuum extracttion, and Vaginal Birth After Ceasarean (VBAC) 44(2.25%) cases, 6.30 (52.63%) cases were came by their selves, from specialist 61(5.1%) cases, and from midwife 109 (9.11%) cases, and from polyclinic 139 (11.61%) cases, and from other hospitals in Banda Aceh and nearly were 199 (16.62%) cases . Indication of cesarean such prolonged deliveries 197 (16.46%) cases, pre-eclampsia 177 (14,79%) cases, and 147 (12,28%) breech cases
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