Consuming Excessive Amont of Fructose may Afffect Our Health
The article explants the possible negative effects of consuming excessive fructose on human health. Frutose is simple sugar found in fruit, vegetable and honey. Fructose content in fruit is very low and human beings generally consume only about 16-20 g frutose per day. Fruit consumed regulary can protect human bosy againts cardiovascular disease, cancer and othher chronic diseases. Fructose is absorbed in the intestine viaspecific transporters, GLUT5 and GLUT2, and it undergoes metabolism largely (50-75) in the liver. Fructose is efficient in inducing de now lipogenesis (DNL) by providingcarbon atom to form triglyceride and VLDLsynthesis. This inducing process leads to the accumulation of lipid in the liver, which increases insulin reistance. Frucotose also uric acid through purin catabolic pathway. Consuming fruclose for a long period will stimulate laptin resistancy, which will cause obesity. Since 1970, fructose in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has been used as sweetencer in soft drink, pastries, cookies, gums, jelly, and many kinds of dessert. This use increases human fructose consumption to 85-100 g per day. As a result, the increased frutose consumption will itensify the prevalence of metabolic syndrome such a dyslipidemia, obesity, hypertention, hyperuricemia and insulin resistance
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