Correlation Between the Characteristics of the Pregnant Mothers and the prevalence of Low Birth Weight Babies
Low birth weight is one of the cause of the death of babies around the world. In Indonesia, it is estimated that around 400.00-900.000mlow birth weight babies are delivered are delivered every year. Low birth weight babies are hightly related to foetal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. There are several influencing factors in the prevalence of low birth weight babies, one of then is the characteristics of the pregnant mothers, including the maternal age, parity, inter-pregnancy interal, antenatal care, and the mothersmedical history. This research has been conducted to find out the correlation between the characteristics of the pregnant mothers and the prevalence of low birth weight babies. In this study, the observational analytic descriptive method has made use of a case-control approach to 224 mothers who delivered low birth weight and normal birth weight babies at Immanuel Hospital during the year 2008. The statistical analysis used was Chi-square test (a = 0.05). The result showed that pregnant mother ≥ 35 years old with parity I and ≥ 5, interval pregnant < 2 years, and Antenatal Care (ANC)
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