Pengaruh Kombinasi Kurkuminoid dan Minyak Atsiri terhadap Kadar ureum dan Kreatnin serum Penderita Osteoartritis (Effect of Curcuminoid and Kreatinin essential Oil on the Serum Ureum and Creatinine Level of Patients With Oesteoarthritis)
The curcuminoid of Curcuma domestica val. Rhizome and the essential oil of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb, rhizome can be used for thematic treatment, but no enough data regarding those side effects. This study aimed to determine the efect of cucurminoid of Curcuma val. Combined with essential oil from Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb. To the serum ureum and creatinine level of patients with osteoarthritis. This treatment was compared to theat of piroxicam. This was a Prospective Randomzed Open end Blinded Evaluation (PROBE), involving 38 patients with knee osteoarthritis. The treatment group were given the combination of 15 mg curcuminoid of Curcuma domestica val, and 100 mg essential oil of Curcuma xanthrrhiza twice daily for two weeks. The control group were given 10 mg piroxicam twice for two weeks. In the treatment group the serum ureum level decreased 4.58 ± 6.20% mg, while in the control group the ureum level increased 4.58±6.20% mg, while in the control group the ureum level increased 1.68±8.24% mg. In the treatment group the serum creatnine level decreased 0.12±0.36% mg, while in the control group the creatine level increased 0.18±0.29% mg. Decreasing of serum uteum level in the treatment group was significantly different compared to increasing of theat level in the controlgroup (p
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