Gambaran Penggunaan Masker dan Sarung Tangan terhadap Kejadian BTA Positif pada Petugas Laboratorium Puskesmas
The Use Of Maska and Gloves By Lampung Workers P2TB Pulmonary Clinic, is a way avoid transmission of pulmonary TB cases from the patient. Transmission of pulmonary TB cases are caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis/ positive smear can be through droplet breathing or ingested through food. The purpose of this study know the the discription of the use of masks and gloves on the incidence of smear positive pulmonary P2Tbhealth center laboratory staff Bandar Lampung. The design of the study is cross sectional, the entire laboratory staff in 25 health centers Bandar Lampung Research variablesinclude the use of masks and gloves, the incidence of smear, coughing≥3 weeks, fever > 1 month, weight loss and night sweats. Analysis of data using univariate and bivariate (Chi square). The results showed 36.8% of lung P2TB laboratory workers wear masks and gloves, and there is a relationship between the variable use of gloves with sweaty night with a p value 0.034 (α
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