Perbedaan Kadar Malondialdehide Plasma Setelah Pemberian Teh Bunga Rosells antara Pendidikan Kepelatihan dengan Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan Rekreasi pada Mahasiswa FPOK Bandung.
Difference Influence of Rosella Plower Ten on Levels of Malondialadehyde (MDA) in lasma FPOK Students Between PKO With PJKB Bandung Year 2008. Studies with experimental designs aimed at knowing the difference influence of rosella flower tea on levels of malondiadehyde (MDA) in plasma FPOK students between PKO with PJKR Bandung Year 2008. Subjects aged 18-23years, every department of 12 people. Randomly selected and measured plasma levels of MDA before and after consuming rosella lower tea. The study concluded there are differences in levels of malondiadehyde (MDA) plasma that is prior to 21.82%(50.25 ± 8.97 vs 41.25±8.10 nmol/ul) abd the 22.50% (36.75±8.97 vs 30.00 ±5.86 nmol/ul). The negative impact of free radical formation is recommended to consume tea as beverage rosella flowers everyday so that the effects of free radicals on the health of the body can be reduced
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