Pengaruh Kualitas Tidur terhadap kestabilan Denyut Jantung pada Pasien Gagal Jantung
The influence of Skep Quality on The Stability of the Heart of Heart Failure Patients. Quality sleep will have a positive effect on health because of growth hormones necessary for healing and immunological secreted during sleep. At the level of the clinic, many patients ignore the need for sleep. This study aims to determine the influence of sleep quality on the stability of the heartrate of heart failure patients. Hypothesis research is the influence of sleep quality on the stability of the heart rate of heart failure patients. This type of quantitative researchwith a quasi experimental design and test analysis used chi Square test. The results there is influence between quality of sleep with the stability of heart rate in heart failure patients with a p value=0.02, for it is recommended to patients with heart failure to pay antention and mest his sleep needs at test 6 hours a day in order to obtain a normal heartbeat.
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