Effektivitas Alkhohol dan Gliserin untuk Cuci Tangan dalam Pencegahan Infeksi Nosokomial
Effectivaness Hand Wash with Alcohol Glyserin for prevention Nosocomial Infection. Prevention of nosocomial infection must be integrated, one of wich in to limit transmission of the organism of between patients by washing your hands and use gloves. Hospital staff wash their hands when going contact with patients is important to prevent the occurrence of nosocomial infections (S. Sumarno Purwo Sudarmo, 2002). Hand washing should be done before examining patients, performing any prosedure that contact with blood or body fluids. Wash your bads should also be after examination of the patients, perform any procedure which contract with blood or body fluids, containated material handing/has been used (linen, instrument). This research is to obtain material way that is practical and effective alternative to hand washing, if possible be taken by nurse, so no need to walk to the sink. This type of research is a quantitative study using a quasi experimental design of clinical trials. The population in this study were all nurses Immanuel Hospital amound to 38 people, large samples were taken with differentt test formula proportions and obatained as many as 100 sample and sampling techniques to be used is simple random sampling. Research conducted at Immanuel Hospital Belfast in November 2010. The results of the Mann-Whitney test analysis found the average number of microorganisms that are still there in the hands after washing hands with soap and water is 9.73, the eveage number of microorganisms that are still there in the hands after washing hands with lcohol-glycerin is 3:55. The results of Mann-Whitney test was 0.028, meaning that there are differences in the average number of microoranisms present in the hands after washing hands between doing washing hands using alcohol-glyserine and was soap water.
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