Instrumrn Pengukuran Kualitas Hidup Anak Terinfeksi HIV (Quality of Life Measuring Instrument on Chidren HIV Infected)
Children with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia are increasing due to the increase ofwoman with HIV. A special instrument for measuring quality of life (QoL) ofchildren with HIV is needed to be developed as the great impact of the infectionto children. This study was conducted by modifying the existing QoLinstrument of children for Indonesian context. The study indicated that thereliability of the instrument is quite good both for children under 5 and 5 –11 years old. Reliability values (Cronbach’s Alpha) for under 5, domains ofphysical function, social function, and HIV-related symptoms are 71, 72, and88 respectively while for children 5 – 11 years old, domains of physical, psychological,social, and school functions, and HIV-related symptoms are 76,89, 67, 67, and 88 respectively. The study showed, for Indonesian context,15% of CD4 is indicated as the threshold to detect the difference of QoL forchildren with HIV. However, for under 5 years old, only questions of HIV-relatedsymptoms domain which is sensitive to detect difference QoL, whereasfor children of 5 – 11 years old, the questions concerning physical andpsychological domains which are sensitive to detect difference QoL. Thestudy indicated that the impact of HIV on children is mostly on physical andpsychological functions and HIV-related symptoms.
Key words: Measurement instrument, children with HIV, quality of life
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