Hubungan antara Derajat Hipertensi dan Elongasi Aorta pada Pemeriksaan Foto Toraks
Despite it is general thought that the aorta lengthens with ypertension, its empiricalevidence from Indonesian population is lacking. This study aimed to examine the relationship between grade of hypertension and ortic elongation on the chest X-ray examination. A cross-sectional study has been carried out at the Radiology Department, Dr. Moewardi Hospital, from May 23rd to June 23rd 2011. A sample of 60 subjects aged from 20 to 80 years old were selected by purposive sampling. Postero-anterior chest X-ray photograph including six pairs of anterior ribs and ten pairs of posterior ribs was taken with sufficient inspiration. Subjects with other abnormal cardiac and aortic valve were excluded. Study subjects filled-in informed consent form and were measured for aortic elongation, i.e. the length between the top of aortic arch and incisura jugularis sterni. The blood pressure was checked. The researcher also searched the subjects’ medical record for secondary data. Odds Ratio (OR) was used to measure the strength of association, and chi-square to test its statistical significance, on SPSS 17.0 for Windows.Individuals with prehypertension had 5 times higher risk of aortic elongation than normal individuals (OR= 5.09; 95%CI 1.14 to 22.62; p=0.013). Individuals with grade 1 hypertension had 8 times higher risk of aortic elongation than normal individuals (OR= 8.00; 95%CI 1.39 to 45.75; p=0.007).Individuals with grade 2 hypertension had 61 imes higher risk of aortic elongation than normal individuals (OR=60.71; 95%CI 2.76 to 1332; p
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