Faktor-Faktor yang Melatarbelakangi Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Mengkonsumsi Msi zat Besi (Tablet Fe)
This study aims identify the faktors that affect adherence of pregnant women taking iron tablets. The design used was discriptif eksploratif, the samples size 35 sampels taken using accidentalsampling technique. Result study found that the factor of understanding about the importance of pregnant women to consume enough iron 57% adequate ; 26% good and 17% less, terquality faktor interctions with health care 46% adequate ; 43 good and 11% less, a faktor of family support 48% adequate ; 43 good and 9 less, while adherence to consumme iron tablets 69% (24) of respondents were adherent ; was 31% (11) of respondent did not comply. Of these faktors, the dominant faktoris the faktor of family support is to give positive support in the compliance of pregnant women taking iron (fe
tablets). Recommendation of this needs to be improved any more compliance percentage expectant mothers especially understanding pregnant women about the importance of consuming iron tablets and quality interaction with health workers, given the magnitude of the risk of anemia on regnancy
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