Penyakit Menular Seksual dan Infertilitas
Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) have on effect on human fertilityespecially on women’s through upper genital tract infections like endometriosis and salpingitis, also subsequent impact of Chlamydia infection. Gonorrheas in sexualitysalpingitis, also subsequent impact of chalamydia infection. Gororrhea in sexuality transmitted infections often cause pelvic inflamatory disease (PID), especially salpingitis and in men STIs rere;y cause infertility. The causes of infertility are because of endometriosis and tubal damage. In the year 1995, nearly one of six women reproductive age reported to visit experts because of infertility cases. Fifteen percent utilize infertility services, where 1% of them follow the methoods of assisted reproductive technology and 3% with avulation drugs. The mean pregnancy occurs naturally on infertile couples between 40-75% on 10 years since their initial diagnosis. Damage on the fallopian tubal along 25-50%. STIs prevention related with tubal infertility is primary prevention by blocking the acceptance of infection and by inhibiting progression of secondary infection of the lower tract genetalia toward to upper section also tertiary by inhibiting progressi0n of infection in the upper tract genetalia to tubal obstruction
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