Pengaruh Etanol 96% terhadap Difusi Salbutamol Slfat dalam Sediaan Tansdermal sistem Matriks Kombinasi Povidon-Etilselulosa Melalui Membran Millipore-Isopropil Ministrat (The Effect of Ethanol 96% on Sulphate Salbutamol Diffusion of Transdermal Preparate by Matrix System of Combination Povidon-Etylcellulosa Through Multipore-Isopropyl Miristate membrane)
Salbutamolsulphate is a drug for asmaticbronchitis which can be formulated into transdermalpreparate because it is a patent drug with a short half time of 4 to 6 so that is should be given 3 to 4 times a day and also involves in first metabolic path in oral administration. The transdermal system is a matrix system combination of povidonetylcalluloce at 3:2 proportion. Ethanol is used to increase te penetration of salbutamol sulphate. The objective of this study is to find out effect of ethanol to increase the release pf salbutamol sulphate through Milipore-isopropyl miristate membrane. Salbutamol sulphate was formulated with various concentration of ethanol, i.e, 0% (as control), 3%,6%,9% and 12%. Each formula was fested by physical test, which are the thinkness, variability of weight, content humidity, strength of elesticity and also diffusion test. By the diffusion test, it showed that the release of salbutamol sulphate from all the five formulas followed the releasing pattern “orde-nol” wich the rate of release at 0.0406 – 0.0485 mg perminute. Statistical analysis of the cumulative flux value of the slbutamol sulphate by one way ANOVA, the value of sig 0,000
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