Pengaruh Asam Asetilsalisilat terhadap Penurunan Prevalensi Kanker Kolorektal
The prevalence of colorectal cancer has been increasing significantlyover the past20 years is the second leading casuse of cancer related deaths in the united States. Until new, sugical resection remains the only curative treatment for colorectal cancer. Recent studes have suggested that acetyl salicylic acid, is one of the potential chemo preention agent to decrease colorectalcancer prevalence. It inhibits both cyclooxygentase 1(COX-1) and cyclooxgynase-2 (COX-2) –catalytic enzymes involved in postagladin synthesis Inhibition of COX-2leads to decreased colon carcinogenesis by increasing apoptosisand angiogenesis regulation.
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