Induksi Sel Somatik Menjadi Sel Punca Pluripoten
Human embryonic stem cell has been used extensively in research; it has certain advantagecompared to animal stem cell, but application in clinical setting is ethically problematik.Nuclear reprogramming attempt to produce pluripotent cells made a breakhrough by the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells from adult somatik cells. Transfection of 4 transcription factors Oct3/4.c-Myc . Sox2 and Klf-4 using vital or non-viral vector sufficiently induce terminally differentiated somatic cell to become hESC-like cells. Nevertheless iPS technologystill poses severeal crucial problem such as efficeincy, risk of mutation and tumor formation thereis also a challengin obstacle in selection assay, choice of clinically obtainable and programmable somatic cells. There is still a lack of specific marker for dedifferentied cells. The situation indicated a dificiency in knowiedge of epigenetik modification the lead to a pluripotent epigenome. Research in this area is needed especially to compare reprogrammed cell genone with the cell’s intial genome as a somatic cell
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