Perbandingan Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Pijat Bayi setelah Mendapat Penyuluhan dan Pemutaran VCD di Kelurahan Widodomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta
With the many benefits that can be obtained from the habit baby massage performed by the mother. It is necasary once baby massage is used as a habit. But the attitude has been influenced by knowledge of mother. It is necessary once baby massage is used as habit. But this attitude has been influenced by knowledge of mothers on infant massage itself. Until mow not known how the mother’s level of knowledge in the area Widodomartani village, about the benefits of baby massage. The objective of this research to obtain the comparative increase in maternal knowledge about infant massage after recaiving counseling and VCD playback. This study is a descriptive research approach to the pre test and post test. This study found that the value of significance (p) is smaller then 0.05: On the extension of Ho rejected and Ha accepted means that are significant differences between mother’sknowledge level of infant massage before and after extension. On playback VCD Ho rejected and Ha accepted. This means that there are significant differences between mother’s knowledge about infant masage before and after the VCD playback. On increasing knowled is rejected and Ho Ha receved. This means there is no significant difference between the increase in maternal knowledge about infant massage compered with VCD payback with increased knowledge counseling. This studyconclude that there were significant differences between the mother’s knowledge about infant massage before and after counseling. There were significant diffferences between the mother’s knowledge about infent massage before and after VCD playback. There were no significant differences between the increase of mother’s knowledge after VCD playback and counseling method.
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