Lama Pemberian Asi dengan Frekuensi Kekambuhan Asma pada Anak Usia Sekolah di Puskesmas Sumbersari Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember
Asthama represent the disease which often to be found in child. Asthma occurence incrase almost whole in word, in developed countries and also developing countries including of Indonesia. Asthma is disparity in the form of kronic inflammation of respiratory tract that causing sensitively of trachea and broncheus (broncheus hyperactivity) indiferent to various excitement. ASI is do not doubt that own a lot of benefit, including for the lung of children. The baby exclusively of ASI rarer suffer from the alergy (asthma, eazima, skin, alergy of nose) compare with the baby that giving early the milk formula. This research aim to known hubungan antara Relation Duration of Giving ASI with the frequensi of Athama Relapsing of school aAge Child in puskesmas Sumbersari Kecamatan Sumbersari. Jember. Desain research use cross sectional, that is subyek only just observation once and measurement done to variables at the time of research by using quesiner. Result of research shown taht from 32 responder more amount responder by ASI non exclusive equal 87,5%, with the relapsing frequency as much 2-4 kali per year equal to 87%, while cause morbidity of asthma is air chille equal to 34.37% and food equal 31%. Genetic fatctor also have an effect morbidity of asthma equal to 90,63% responder. Resul of correlation regreation test shown there is Relation tat significan (a
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