Kadar Testosteron Sapi Penjantan yang Digunakan untuk Proses Produksi Semen Beku di Taman Ternak Pendidikan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga
The aim of this study was to identify the differences of testosterone levels in Friesian Holstein bulls, Limousine and Simmental. Three bulls of Friesian Holstein, Limousine and Simmental were used for the production of frozen semen in Airlangga University Teaching Farm, in Gresik. Blood collection was performed once a week for six times. Testosterone levels was Analyzed with solid phase of RIA techniques (radioimmunoassay) using radioactive labeled antigen (1251-Testosterone). The data were calculated with ANAVA test. The result test of bull's blood serum testosterone levels an average of 206.66 ng / dl ± 111.65 ng / dl for Friesian Holstein cows, Limousine cows had an average of 154.50 ng / dl ± 123.24 ng / dl and Simmental cows had an average of 121.33 ± 53.72 ng / dl. Calculation of statistical analysis with ANAVA test produced F count = 1.090, F table 0.01 = 6.36 and F table 0.05 = 3.68. Thus, the calculated F
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