Pola Pencarian Pengobatan dan Perilaku Beresiko Remaja di Indonesia (Analisis Lanjut Data Riskesdas 2007)
Youth health problems were related to physical aspects and could lead to emotional and mental health problems, economy as well as social well being. Fatality risk of adolescent pregnancy below age of 20 years to both the mother and the infant is 2-3 times higher than pregnancy of mother age 20-35 years. The objective of this analysis is to identify youth health status in Indonesia from health service responsiveness and expenditure aspect, access to health service, risk behavior and hygienic behavior. Health responsiveness aspect with highest judgement were accessibility (87,1%), friendliness (86,9%) and confidentiality (85,7%). Youth risk behaviors enganged were smoking (16,1%), alcohol consumption (59,6%), lack of physical activities (58,4%), not enough vegetable and fruit consumption (93,7%). Hygienic behavior were using soap before eating (72,6%), using latrine, using soap after defecation (70,6%) and teeth brushing every day (95,9%). Recommendation of this analysis is that support and attention from stakeholders such as parents, teachers and peers that youths should be responsible for their own actions is needed. Support from teacher and parents toward positive activities and reactivation of extracurriculer activity.
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