Malaria di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Tretep, Kabupaten Temanggung
Malaria spot survey was conducted in Hamlet Bakal, Campurejo Village, District Tretep, Temanggung Regency in view of the increasing cases in this area. The aims of the survey was to obtain information about the epidemiology of malaria transmission in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village include: Entomology (especially suspected vectors, density and habitat), the social environment (focusing on the behavior and migration of patient / case) and parasitology includes slides and blood examination to confirm the patient post-treatment. The main result is that the mosquito An. aconitus (as suspected vector of malaria) would be found in this area with density of 0.91 / person / hour was found resting outside the house / around the cage. Anopheles mosquitoes habitat are found in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village among other rivers, ditches and ponds. Local malaria transmission occur in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village with the indicator case, the source of transmission is supported by other cases (patients with P. falciparum) and the finding of a mosquito An . aconitus as a suspected vector. Post-treatment blood examination showed that seven patients of malaria (indigenous suspects) are not found anymore malaria parasites (negative examination). Advised to increase surveillance of malaria on the population migrants (migration) in Temanggung Regency area, especially Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village, District Tretep. It is necessary to educate the community to increase knowledge, particularly about how to protect themselves to prevent transmission of malaria, due to local transmission of malaria occurs in the area.
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