Pengaruh Penggunaan Glikol pada Insektisida Aqua-K-Othrine 20 Ew® (b.a. Deltamethrin 21.9 g/l) terhadap Nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Culex quinquefasciatus dengan Metoda Pengasapan(Thermal Fogging)
K-OTHRINE 20 EW® insecticides were tested in 100 and 200 ml/ha with the application of fumigation using pure water as solvent and mixture of water and glycol. It was equally effective to kill Ae. aegypti mosquitoes indoor and outdoor with the mortality of 100%. Similarly, the insecticide effectively provides mortality of 90.0 – 94.8% to the Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, indoor and outdoor. The effect of fumigation of K-Othrine 20 EW® insecticide using either pure or mixed solvent of water (9.5 l water + 0.5 l glycol) showed no difference to the mortality of mosquitoes, but glycol solution produce the fog, so the particle could be spread out to all directions.
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